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Julie Recommends
First time buyer or just in need of something to change your skin? Anything in this catagory is going to work for you! All of these products are rapid resurfacing compounds that cause the skin to turnover or shed approximately .01(+/-) micron per cycle. Your skin sheds naturally each cycle at .01 micron so doubling this amount is crucial to slowing down the aging process. However we don't stop there. Using the products in this line slowly and carefully and devising your own regime, you can safely and effectively resurfacing 3 times per cycle which is how we remove sundamage, scars and lines and imperfections. There is no regime or program that I offer to you. Sight unseen I cannot devise a plan that works for your skin! I will give you day 1 starting instructions and application techniques. Each day you will evaluate your skin and decide what you need to do. The one thing I will tell you is that you will never follow a treatment plan again. The days of cleansing, toning and masking are over. I do not endorse integrating any other products with my line because they will interfere with your results. Please don't overthink this process because it is the easiest thing you will ever use! Results are almost overnight and for everyone they are long term and accumulative! Pricewise if you came in to have this applied you would pay $100 for 1 treatment. Each bottle you buy offers you months and months of treatments! Welcome to the next stage in your life! You are going to be so happy! ~Julie