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Perfect Tan
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Perfect Complexion Perfect Tan 8 oz 65.00 + applicator mit
(international orders you will recieve a second invoice for shipping increase due to weight about $10 more)
This product is the very best tanning product I have ever used in my life! I've been selling it at cost for many years and finally I can't do it any longer!
I developed Perfect Complexion Perfect Tan for myself. Exhausted from using self tanning creams that turned my olive skin orange, I began deformulating the exact ingredients used in Mystic Tan and combined it with the benefit of soy protein and transdermal penetration.
Perfect Tan becomes part of your skins natural texture due in part to liposomal delivery of the brown color to the topmost layers and the subdermal (under the stratum corneum) layers. This is EXACTLY how a real suntan works!
I can't keep this formula all for myself any longer! I owe it to so many others who constantly struggle with tanning beds vs. self tanners, sprays and the tan wipes AND the cost to maintain it all.
We have all had moments when we catch a glimpse of ourselves outside and think.."UGH this looks so fake"! Or embarrassing toilet and tub stains....I have been there! (Read my story at the very bottom)
Your struggle is over. If you trust my products and my concepts on anti-aging and resurfacing then you know I wouldn't sell anything that wasn't a home run out of the ballpark. I hit the MOON with this formula!
Anti Aging Co Q 10 and 12
Hyaluronic Acid and Soy Protein
Perfect brown coloring
No orange tones
good smell
Drys fast!
No streaking! No spotting! This product will exceed your expectations by 200%.
Mystic Tan lovers will NOT BELIEVE this!!
Brown in color leaves medium hue darkening over 24 hours
No staining clothes or rubbing off (after set)
Skin feels smooth and soft right away
Full Body and Face treatment
Removes fully from hands with mens shaving gel (only)
Use any time of day (wait 1 hour after showering)
"I have an embarrassing story that inspired me to work very hard on creating this product. Last year I was at a Cat Shelter doing some 'socializing' of feral kittens. It was summer time and I was wearing a short jean skirt and sporting a heavy deep bronze Mystic Tan feeling pretty terrific in mind, body and spirit."
"One of the kittens was not too happy when I pulled him out of his cage. He had a fit and began to pee everywhere. I pulled him towards me into a towel, not caring too much about his little accident. I sat down with him and worked on getting him cleaned off. When I stood up I noticed that everyone was looking at my legs and gasping "What happened Julie??" It turned out that I was soaked right down to my skirt with kitty pee-pee! The acid in the urine had chemically diluted my dark brown Mystic Tan right down to my natural skin color! It looked like someone had thrown white paint on my legs! I was horrified and embarrassed but I laughed it off and quickly made an exit. The next day I began working on the transdermal absorbtion concept and also vowed not to use any compounds that were acidic reactive! True story! ~ Julie
Here is your user guide in advance!!
~Perfect Complexion Perfect Tan~
Most of us who have used self tanning products don’t need instructions. All self tanning products tell you to prep, loofa and shave before your first initial application. You do what you want!
However the best spread tan goes on with a bare hand. Something about the warmth that makes it absorb fast and smooth. BUT UGH! MY HANDS WILL TURN BROWN JULIE!
I could sell a neutralizing solution to Perfect Complexion Perfect Tan but I won’t and I don’t! Not when I can give you the biggest INDUSTRY SECRET you will ever hear when it comes to self tanners! The tanning industry doesn’t even know this secret and if they DID they would reformulate it and suck even MORE money out of the gorgeous women of the world. So keep this little ditty between us, ok?
Browse your hubby’s or boyfriends shaving gel brand. Does he have Edge Shave Gel? (pictured below). If he does you won’t need to buy it. If not you can find it everywhere from grocery stores to wall mart. Go buy some today before you self tan! Trust me, ok?
The fact is this: As a chemist I discovered that the same menthol used in this shave gel breaks down the protein structure in DHA and Erythrulose and it happens like magic! In seconds it will take a dark brown tan stain off of your hands that would take weeks to wear off!
Here are your directions!
Apply Perfect Tan like a lotion! Rub it bare handed into your skin as it goes on brown and turns to a white cream and then vanishes. Look at your palms! They will be dark brown. When you are finished take a fat dollop of the Edge Shave gel and rub it together and rinse with very warm water. You will be shocked at how fast your hands go back to pink and stain free! AND if you ever want to remove all of your Perfect Tan just get in the shower and slather up. Note: Keep the gel away from cracks and crevices! ITS MENTHOL!
Pinky Swear Pledge of Secrecy: “I promise never to divulge the secret to removing self tanner to anyone for fear of someone capitalizing on the idea and bottling it and selling it for 10 times the price of a can of shaving gel” There are enough companies out there selling awful skincare products and selling them for hundreds of dollars using marketing techniques that make women look foolish. We don’t need any more! Xo, Julie
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