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Week of 12-10 any orders with AD&Eye cream will take an extra few days to ship!! One of my ingredients is in customs waiting to clear! Be patient. The minute it arrives we will finish production and ship it PRIORITY MAIL!! This is a cult favorite and sells out continuously! I recommend buying 2 or go larger!
New Amazing Day and Eye
Cream 4 oz ($40) Not a pump! You lightly shake and then scoop and apply~!Every now and I then I invent a product that even blows ME away.This cream is almost too incredible to describe. The best part is this:*Use post peel for rapid healing to avoid any signs of peeling (you will still slough) This product should be used at night on clean skin. 1-3 applications your choice. At one point your skin will not be able to absorb any more, which is what I call the 'cut off' point. You may have to wet/warm wipe off any excess (unless its bedtime!).
For deep wrinkles anywhere on the body. Neck and jowls.Apply under and over the eye and full face.For TCA Complex and Latte users you can apply 1 hour later.For great results using the APEEL line you can apply the NEW AMAZING DAY AND EYE CREAM first and then apply the APEEL Correct. Fast acting and Long term results.Bio Identical ingredients (as I use in every compound)You can MASK or Compress this. Apply heavy or apply to warm cloth.
Want a big bottle of this? Type it into the search box!!
Every week I take a random website client and send them a new launch item to trial/test/apply. Here is the letter I received from one very colorful client (who I adore and she knows it).
"Um.... I cannot beleive how incredibly fking fantastic the Amazing Day and Eye Cream is!!!!! You were so right my mouth lines are gone!! Also my brow furrow lines are waaaay smoothed and it is THE BEST moisturizer I've ever used. It works great to cut into my foundation when I apply it as well. AND the Royal Jelly B5 Mask is incredible!!! My face loves it and it makes it so smooth and evened out. do realize I'll need to buy another round of both as soon as I run out right?! Just letting you know hunnybunch. You rock". sara
Original Amazing Day Cream is still available for day wear. Amazing day and eye is a night treatment yielding fast remarkable almost instant results. This is the #1 best selling product on my website.
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